Link to “Ready For Takeoff”

A huge thank you to for publishing my essay, “Ready For Takeoff?”.  The piece will also serve as this week’s newest blog entry.  (


The last 6 weeks have been an interesting experiment. When I set up my blog I had no idea what would happen.  Thank you all for the wonderful support.  Your ‘Likes’, shares, follows and words of encouragement have put a smile on my face.

I always liked to write and did so professionally for a human rights organization in the ‘80s but only recently did I consider personal writing. Blogging intrigued me. But did I have enough to say? I liked the thought of it but my negative self-talk–which I’m really good at—always won out. Still, the prospect kept drawing me back in, beckoning seductively, “You know you want to.”

I did want to.

Writing is my meditation like dancing is my prayer. Both are important expressions of creativity for me. Writing, however, allows me to share parts of myself I cannot elsewhere (unless we meet in person).  Connecting with others is my oxygen, my energy.  Blogging is my social medium of choice.

Banter between people on social media can be enjoyable. We’ve also seen communities powerfully pull together in time of need but superficial ‘friending’, either online or off, doesn’t do it for me (Full disclosure: I use several popular social media.) Writing, however, though it starts out as an isolating activity can link people together, to reveal depth and to welcome.

Thinking up weekly entry ideas has been a challenge but part of the fun.  Thanks for  reading.

X, S



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